Mohamad Dbouk

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  • Update Azure SQL Server Firewall rules using Azure CLI

    Update Azure SQL Server Firewall rules using Azure CLI

    If you’re used to working with Azure SQL Server without a private endpoint or virtual network, you might be used to adding your public IP to the Azure SQL Server Firewall rules each time your public IP changes. Luckily, there’s an easy option: use the Azure CLI to update the network firewall rules with your…

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  • How to Mock using NSubstitute

    How to Mock using NSubstitute

    Unit tests are code written to test small pieces of functionality of big programs. Performing unit tests is always designed to be simple, A “UNIT” in this sense is the smallest component of the large code part that makes sense to test, mainly a method out of many methods of some class. Unit tests take…

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  • Build your own cli because you can

    Build your own cli because you can

    I always admire the azure cli, my DevOps journey in the past few years was richfull with the usage of azure cli, and that made me curious on how to build my own, in a similar way to the Azure one. follow me in this blog post where I’m going to show you my exact,…

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  • Let’s benchmark .NET using BenchmarkDotNet!

    Let’s benchmark .NET using BenchmarkDotNet!

    In this blog, we will deep dive into BenchmarkDotNet package and see how it can help us improve our dotnet application. What is Benchmarking? Benchmarking is the act of comparing similar products, services, or processes in the same industry. When benchmarking it is very essential to measure the quality, time, and cost. Benchmarking will let…

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