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HybridCache in .NET 9 is Awesome!
Adding Custom Formatting to Your Classes with IFormattable
DateTime has a great feature that I often replicate in my classes: the ability for users to format the ToString output however they want. Using it is cool, but building it yourself? Even better. In this post, I’ll walk you through implementing custom formatting for any class using the IFormattable interface, covering multiple approaches. You…
Azure-Sync: Sync your Azure App Settings to local
Azure-Sync is a handy shell script tool designed to help .NET developers working with Azure App Services. Inspired by the functionality provided by the Azure Functions Core Tools (func cli), Azure-Sync allows you to retrieve all environment variables from a specified Azure App Service, including any Azure KeyVault secrets, and add them to your local…
Implement Builders easily with Source Generator in .NET
I created a YouTube video on Source Generator in which I showcased one possible implementation. However, I feel that I didn’t fully highlight its capabilities. In this blog post, I aim to demonstrate how to use the Source Generator to automatically create builders for a given class. Check the YouTube video and the source code…
Secure On-Premise .NET Application with Azure Key Vault
Suppose you have your Web App and Database server hosted locally on your On-Premises servers. You want to use Azure Key Vault with your .NET application to retrieve your app settings. This allows you to avoid storing them as plain text in the appsettings.json file. In this blog post, I will show you how to…