Hey there friends! If you are a .NET developer who loves to create console applications, you might have wondered how to make them more appealing and user-friendly. Sure, you can use Console.WriteLine and Console.ReadLine to output some text and get some input, but that’s pretty boring and limited. What if you want to display some colors, styles, tables, trees, […]
Tag: C#
Say Hello to Reliable Minimal APIs with Integration Tests
Hi there! Integration testing is an important part of the software development process because it helps ensure that your APIs are working correctly and returning the expected result. Unfortunately, many people often mix up integration tests with mock testing and use mock for integration tests. This can lead to issues when testing APIs, as mock […]
You no longer need a Dockerfile
The .Net 7 release is bringing a lot of changes, and one of the most significant is the removal of the need for a Dockerfile. Container images are now a supported output type of the .NET SDK. You no longer need a separate Dockerfile to containerize your .NET applications. You can publish your application and […]
How to Mock using NSubstitute
Unit tests are code written to test small pieces of functionality of big programs. Performing unit tests is always designed to be simple, A “UNIT” in this sense is the smallest component of the large code part that makes sense to test, mainly a method out of many methods of some class. Unit tests take […]
Let’s benchmark .NET using BenchmarkDotNet!
In this blog, we will deep dive into BenchmarkDotNet package and see how it can help us improve our dotnet application. What is Benchmarking? Benchmarking is the act of comparing similar products, services, or processes in the same industry. When benchmarking it is very essential to measure the quality, time, and cost. Benchmarking will let […]