CSharpRepl – Your Ultimate C# Playground in the Terminal

So, listen up! CSharpRepl is this awesome command-line tool that allows you to get hands-on with C# programming without any hassle. With this tool, you can write, execute, and experiment with your code, all within your terminal. This means that you no longer have to create a new console app each time you want to test something in C#. It’s a great way to get hands-on with C# programming without any hassle.

It’s super easy to use, with fancy features like code highlighting and instant error checking to keep you on track, and even support adding Nuget packages.

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Go ahead and install the latest dotnet SDK and run the following in your terminal

dotnet tool install -g csharprepl

After installation, simply type csharprepl and press enter to use the tool.

If you happen to make any mistakes, there is an error checking mechanism in place to help you identify and correct them.

You can install external Nuget packages or add references to existing projects using the #r command. Additionally, installed packages provide intellisense.

Go give Will a star on github (https://github.com/waf/CSharpRepl) and explore more features

Happy Coding!

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